Reclaim Your Power: A 4-Week Journey from Burnout to Empowerment

Changing your life begins with you deciding to show up for you!

As women, it’s so easy to slip into ‘Superwoman’ mode – trying to be everything to everyone … BUT it comes at a cost, leading to burnout and exhaustion.  Eventually, we wake up and notice the impact that chronic stress and mental fatigue have had on our physical and mental well-being; and the strain it has put on our relationships at home and at work often leading to serious health issues, relationship breakdowns, or career burnout, … and you find yourself questioning your whole identity.

Our responsibilities to others can prevent us from prioritizing our own needs, and our health, and consequently, our energy levels suffer. We can often feel overwhelmed, trapped, and perhaps resentful. We may even feel we have lost our purpose in life.  We forget to put the oxygen mask on us first!  The crazy thing is that we invest in all sorts of materialistic things, but somehow put our own health and well-being on the side burner!

The #1 reason for burnout is an incongruency between what is important to an individual and their current situation.  Getting back into alignment means reconnecting to your authentic self and allowing your body, mind, and spirit to work in harmony.

It's time to say 'YES' to you!

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What benefits can you expect from our sessions?


During our sessions, you will discover a new way of living your life that will reset your body, health, and energy levels so that you can feel alive again.

You will discover simple tools to overcome burnout that will empower your life again.

Your mental and emotional well-being will skyrocket.

You will experience a major shift in your confidence as you go after what you truly want.

Your relationships will improve, organically. You won’t be triggered as often or ride emotional roller coasters that you can’t seem to get off.

Your goals will inspire you to live large, and not settle.

You can expect to have more peace, more certainty, more clarity, more happiness, more results, improved health, and a life that empowers you.

Many of my clients describe feeling happier and in control of their lives while also feeling “freer” than ever before.

Book A Call To See If Coaching Is Right For You!

How Does It Work?

The first step is to jump on a FREE consultation call.  This call is where we do a quick life intake, talk about what you want to make happen, and make your future plan.

If we decide to work together, each session will be for up to 60 minutes over Zoom Video Conferencing for 4-consecutive weeks. During the 4-week period, you will have full access to me through video conferencing, e-mails, and calls to ensure that all of your needs are met

The first step will be to release any emotional or mental blocks associated with burnout, such as feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and low self-esteem that are standing in your way of meeting your goals.  This will be the gateway to creating real transformational change. Then we will create a goal that is uniquely designed for you. 

You are unique! So you need a unique solution! 

I believe one-on-one coaching is the most effective way to create change.  It gives you an opportunity to get narrowly focused on what your struggles and challenges are, how to overcome them, and how to create real transformational change designed uniquely for your individual specific needs. We partner in implementing your plan of action and I hold you to what we decide to do. You get undivided attention in one-on-one calls. That is what will 10x your results.

If you are ready to create an empowering, healthy life, click the button below to schedule a call.


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Hi, I am Tina!


I am best known for my holistic approach to creating balance in the body, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.  Often these four pillars are out of balance causing people to stay stuck in their health and wellness goals and not truly living a happy and fulfilling life.

My unique approach helps people get re-aligned again so that they can overcome any challenges or obstacles that have been sabotaging them in their past. 

When I discovered how to let go of that inner turmoil, it was an explosion of release followed by a true sense of freedom that I am so passionate to share with you.

So, if you are ready to make some REAL transformational changes that are life-long and sustainable, then go ahead and click the button below and start your journey to creating your new identity today!

Book A Call To See If This Program Is Right For You!